What Helps?
We never know what might help someone? It could be a friendly smile, a kind word or gesture, a timely post, a uplifting song, a beautiful flower or photo, or perhaps even a building painted yellow and blue.
The World is a Collective of energy. What happens to ONE happens to ALL. Regardless of the distance, every single one of us, FEELS this War in Ukraine, in some way.
Every thought we think goes out into the Collective. People cope in many different ways, and Music and ART are a beautiful and healthy way to cope with our feelings and emotions.
Artist Creation
Artist Creation © Dr. Heyde Class
Music in most cases, helps to bring harmony and healing to the World. It’s what helps us stay “ in tune.” It can bring form, structure and order to our World, as all things in this Universe are created from sound and sacred geometry symbols.
Art in many cases, can inspire us, and stir our imagination. Art brings beauty to the World through various mediums. Beauty helps to erase much of the ugliness we often witness in the World, serving like a healing balm to our weary Souls. Art also utilizes color, which is a holistic healing modality.
I encourage you all to play music, create art, share your talents and find your empowerment within! Look inside and see where you may feel divided and shift accordingly. Find what works for you to help you navigate through these uncertain times. (The only wrong way.. is hurting yourself or others. Escapism won’t cut it here.)
©️ Dr. Heyde Class