Spring Equinox, 2022
What a fascinating Spring Equinox and first day of the Astrological year of 2022, here in Sedona. It so rarely rains, ( except during Monsoon)and it’s been overcast off and on most of the day.
We just had a gentle rain, with the Sun seemingly wanting to pop out! A few Sedona folks posted the most magical rainbow, likely right after this rain. All of this is very symbolic of the Divine Feminine energy.
Today, astrologically, we had a perfect zero point of the Aries Sun ( Yang Male) and Scorpio Moon ( Yin Female) at 8:45AM AST. This signifies a total reset of both the Divine Male ( represented by the Sun) and Divine Female energies. ( represented by the moon.)
Spring Equinox 2022
SPEQ22©Dr. Heyde Class
This year will continue to play out these themes ( The Aries/ Scorpio themes) in some fashion, as we move towards Unity consciousness and the building of the New Earth templates. We can tap into the ancient tree of knowledge to help us continue to build a secure foundation and grow our roots.
Aries is the sign of action, movement and conflict… Scorpio is the sign of death, rebirth and transformation. We have been sadly witnessing in real time, the destructive Divine Male energies at war with the Female energies as of late. The reset, will likely began to move this war of opposing energies, towards a resolution and balance.
Blessings and love this Spring Equinox and Astrological New Year!
Post/ pictures ©️Dr. Heyde Class