National Grief Awareness Day
Today, 8/30 is National Grief Awareness day. I have had my fair share of grief over the years and I want to share a bit of my story and a few things I have learned and observed through my experiences.
Death is a natural part of life. We often do not think about it much, until we reach a certain age or have lost a loved one.
I deal with death every single day, and have for years, because I am a Professional Psychic Medium, who practices resolution mediumship. This includes assisting Earth Bounds Spirits to cross over. I am really lucky, I can sense my loved ones, so for me, they may be gone from 3D, however, I know and can feel their presence.
I have lost many loved ones over the years, around 15 Family and friends in the last decade plus, along with experiencing my own death at 24. ( I am almost 59) so I have had plenty of experience with the death experience.
From 8/2016 to 2/2019, my life was forever altered when my beloved Grandma died, and 2ish months later, my Sparkie died, who had been my Dads dog. That was like losing my Dad all over again!
Eight months later, my dog son Leo, who was 15, died. He had been with me since he was a baby. I went into a full blown, functional flight after he died. That was a very difficult death for me to process.
Around 11 months later in June of 2018, I lost my Mother, very unexpectedly. She died 40 hours after she was transported to the hospital. I was beyond heart broken and was in a functional freeze for months after.
Three weeks later, I found out that my dog daughter, Grace, had kidney disease and likely didn’t have much time left either. I had a full blown panic attack after that phone call. She died 8 months later in February, 2019 during one of the worst snow storms we had had in years. Luckily, she returned in a new dog body in 2020! 💜 It’s nice to have her here.
I went though five deaths, four of which were major, life altering deaths, in a very short time and it changed me in ways I could not have even imagined at the time. I was left to pick up the pieces of a shattered heart. I had some rough days for sure.
I experienced sadness, grief and heart break that I did not think I could or would every recover from and yet here I stand. I was lucky. I had the tools, education, understanding and willingness to keep going. I have also had more deaths of friends and acquaintances since all this happened.
From these experiences and many other deaths in my life, I learned a few things:
Each death was different and transformed my life in many ways. I also went through a personal transformation where my signature frequency and daily routines were drastically altered in many of these deaths.
Some of the deaths were much easier to process than others. My Mothers death for instance was one of the most traumatizing things I have every experienced, where my Grandmas death was much easier for me to process.
Each death we experience can or will bring forward unresolved emotional issues and trauma we have to work through. This is where many folks have a difficult time navigating through. Professional help is available, so if you need it, ask!
Each death required me to FEEL.. It felt like I became a professional griever/crier! I had to turn inward, so I could find and create a path forward, which I did mostly alone. Grieving is a relatively solo affair. I had to discover the will to move forward and not give up. Some days, it was all I could do to just get up and function. Flower arranging, saved my life honestly.
Each death, I have had to navigate through. I had no idea how to in most cases, so finally it dawned one me to call in the part of me that did know how. That would have been a helpful solution to have sooner!
I did learn that we don’t get “over it,” however, we do and can learn how to navigate through it….how to give it space in our life….how to learn who we are without them in our lives…how to live again without their presence.. how to laugh and feel joy again.. to find our new “ normal.”
We learn how to process the waves of grief, sadness, despair, and feelings of loss and abandonment that often just randomly came forward, often at inconvenient times, until we move out the other side. This process looks different for each person.
We can learn how to accept that our loved one is no longer here on the Planet ( I did, that’s why I know it’s possible) and ideally, we need to find a way forward with our life, otherwise we can or may remain in a functional flight, fight or freeze indefinitely.
Each person grieves differently! There is no wrong way to do it, unless someone doesn’t do it. For me personally, the grief is always the most intense right after someone’s death and lessens as I get use to the fact they are now no longer on Earth.
The is NO time limit on grief either! It appears in many ways and forms and in unexpected times, indefinitely.
Grief is a very personal experience, that no two people experience exactly the same, although we may experience some things in a similar manner.
Grief Resolution
© Dr. Heyde Class
Love and blessings to all those who have lost their loved ones and are navigating through these experiences! I see you and I believe in you and I am so proud of you for walking through this! I would love to hear about your experiences, if you are willing to share.
Post/ picture 2022-2023 © Dr. Heyde Class - Certified Psychic Medium and Metaphysical Practitioner and Pastoral Counselor