Random musings from a psychic's perspective.

Heyde Class Heyde Class

The Law of Polarity

The Universal Law of Polarity...there all ALWAYS TWO SIDES of everything. If you have dark, you have light, if you have a good, you have a bad..this is called POLARITY and it dominates and rules the entire 3rd dimension and the 3D paradigm of reality.  We are HERE on this planet to learn about polarity and find our balance through this polarity. Our balance is the neutral point or what I like to call zero point of those two polarities. NOTHING IS EVERY just one way or the other way. It simply does not work that way on this planet.

If you are in a physical BODY, then you are subject to polarity, as there is polarity present in the chakra portals. For most, although not necessarily for all peoples bodies: the positive pole is in the front, neutral in the middle and negative on the back side. We have a positive pole at the top of the head, negative pole at the feet. (Polarity therapy adds extra poles by the way.) The right side is of the body is positive, the left side of the body is negative. ALWAYS IN BALANCE, this is part of polarity. Even if we can not see it..there are always two sides..As above, so below is another form of polarity..in this case it the mirror effect. Body and Energy Body.

We can experience both the positive and the negative poles/polarity, as we move through and shift dimensional states in the body. We have access to and can focus through the 1st - 7th dimensional states of consciousness, within the context of the physical body, through the chakra portals. This polarity is not as apparent when we exit the body during dream state and or astral projection, however, this does not mean we do not find polarity in other dimensional states of consciousness and or energy.

There are ALWAYS TWO SIDES..nothing is all good, nor bad..it just does not work that way. There are always two sides to everything. :)

©A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class


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Heyde Class Heyde Class

Negative: There is more to it then meets the eye!

I notice many articles and people use the term "negative" to imply that it is something undesirable and unwanted, such as we do not want to have a negative attitude or viewpoint or carry specific "negative" traits. And that very well may be, however, even the negative carries polarity! We have both the dark, dodgy negativity and light, divine negativity!

Around 3-4 years ago, I was read a channeling that helped open my eyes to the view that "negative" is the Divine Feminine, receptive, Yin frequency. Wow, what a game changer for me, and from that point forward, I stop using the word negative to imply or mean undesirable or bad. Instead I view it, most of the time, through the eyes of the divine male and female polarity: negative is the receptive frequency, positive is the giving frequency.

Yes we want to be BOTH negative and positive, so we can complete the cycle. And we are BOTH negative and positive! If we are positive all the time, frankly all that positive, divine male energy and logic, we will get burned out. We can get blinded by the light and not see the forest from the trees. If we are negative all the time, residing in the negative, divine feminine frequency, we may not get much accomplished or grow very fast. We may live in our daydreams and imagination, instead of taking action. A balance is what is needed and we are here on this planet to learn through polarity and find the balance! We need to both give  (divine male positive) and receive (divine feminine negative) to evolve to our fullest potential. The negative and positive charge also aligns with electricity's negative and positive charge and we are all electric light conscious. And of course we have the Law of polarity as well!

Negative, according to the Dictionary means saying no, refusal or denial, and or means the opposite of positive. Interestingly enough in the Websters Dictionary, the word negative does not say it means, undesirable, bad or unwanted. Perhaps this is the case in other dictionary's however. It has various other meaning such as an "excess of electrons" or "reversing the relation of light and shadow of the subject."

So the word negative, basically got high jacked to mean "bad"....which was of course, was done on purpose. When people are open and receptive, they are much harder to control. When people are open and receptive, they are in better balance and able to attract that which they need and want. They become the true Creators that they are! They are IN TUNE with SOURCE. The are ONE with SOURCE. If they keep folks cut off from at least one aspect of themselves, in this case, the Divine Feminine, then people are separated from themselves and are constantly "giving" out their energy, instead of receiving it! They are out of balance!

That which is planted in the dark ( divine feminine) grows by the power of the light. ( divine male) See the polarity for what it is and find the balance point!

© A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class - Certified Psychic Intuitive, and Metaphysical and Energy Shifter and Healer.

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Heyde Class Heyde Class

The Master Year 2018

Transitions bring both endings and new beginnings. Some transitions can be painful, others joyful, while others may be a combination of both. We may experience relief, sadness, gratitude, anger, unhappiness, fear, joy etc. and or many other feelings and emotions during these transitions. How we experience these shifts/transitions depends on our view point, attitude, our beliefs, perceptions, thoughts, our feelings and e-motions and our responses..in other words..HOW WE CHOOSE to "experience," the experience!

Our point of "empowerment" is in our OBSERVATION and ACCEPTANCE of the experience unfolding in front of us, understanding and recognizing that life is happening FOR us, not to us, that how we respond to this experience is our CHOICE and that we solely have control over ourselves, our responses and actions and that is pretty much it! Everything else is out of our hands and the experience will unfold as it will. Our loving and accepting thoughts about it, however, can and will influence some of the outcome.

As we move from 2017 to 2018, we ALL will be experiencing some kind of transition, desired or not, even it's just simply shifting to the "number frequency," which will bring many new opportunities and lessons into our lives. In numerology terms, 2018 is a 11/2, the Master Year! This year will bring many new opportunities for us to become a master of self, to master our inner male and female aspects of self, bringing them into a better state of balance and wholeness. This year is really about BALANCE, particularly discovering and creating OUR emotional balance and MASTERING the core self, bringing our inner trinity ( Divine Self/Core Heart/Personality Self) into balance and full expression.

Authentic living means living whole and in the HEART, while connected to ALL aspects of our self. When we embrace the totality of ourselves, this is what really helps us be WHO WE ARE!!!! When we stop rejecting parts of self as undesirable and embracing them for the key role that they play in our lives! Love every single bit of you, because all those wobbly bits, the happy bits, the silly bits, and stubborn bits, and the separated bits ( ego) are ALL YOU and working FOR YOU, not against YOU, doing the best they can with the knowledge they have. Even when appearances suggest otherwise, with some of our wayward aspects of self, sabotaging our efforts and "working against us!" These aspects of self are doing their best to get our attention and are there to helps us learn a valuable lesson of some kind. These parts of ourselves are the ones that need the most tender, loving care! It takes time, effort, love and acceptance to integrate these aspects of self into wholeness! Having an open heart and mind and be willing to go there is SO key in achieving this balance and mastery this year! Blocking Life OUT is NOT THE ANSWER, nor while we find constructive solutions in hiding behind these blocks and rejections of self.

Many of my friends and clients are experiencing huge shifts right now, for a variety of reasons, with some of these shifts, starting earlier in the year.  Some of these shifts were very unexpected, with some expected. Please know that my love and compassion is with you as you navigate your way through these shifts. The New Earth is bringing in the most incredible energy, with more Time gate portals opening, allowing healing energy onto the planet like never before. May peace, love, light and joy shower over all of you, as we venture into the New Number year of 2018, the Master year of Self. Namaste my dear friends! :)

Written and Haphazardly edited By Heyde Class: Certified Psychic Intuitive, Metaphysical Pastoral Counselor, and Metaphysical Jack of all Trades.© A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class

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Heyde Class Heyde Class

Winter Solstice 2017

Today is the 12/21 Gateway and the Winter Solstice, the day that the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn. It's been five years since our Mother Earth moved through the 12/21/12 Gateway, experiencing her Ascension, and moving us all into an entire energetic reset, so to speak. She did so quietly and without much fan fare. As a result, our society has been been moving through many changes as a result. It may appear that things are getting worse, when in a realistic perspective, it just the " dirt/dark distortions" raising to the surface to be cleaned up, and transformed into divine love and light.

It will take Mass Consciousness many, many years to catch up, to make that move to 5D consciousness, which is now available to anyone and everyone who is willing to open their eyes to a different reality, to a different perspective, to a vast and unlimited consciousness, all while residing in a 3rd dimensional body. All the while, our Mother Gaia, will be patiently waiting as we eventually, ALL make that move into an expanded awareness and state of consciousness. It is something to be truly grateful for, our Earthly Mother.

The Winter Solstice is the beginning of what I call the rest and review phase. In the spring, we planet our seeds ( ideas) and begin to see them sprout. In the summer, we continue to water our seeds, nurturing them along, as they began to grow into maturity..In the fall, we then harvest our "seeds," now full grown plants/ideas, reaping the rewards of our efforts.

The winter is the time for rest, to reflect and review and to realize what we have accomplished. This is an extremely important step in the evolution of our life, of our experiences. Our main purpose in life is to evolve. This may not apply to every being on the planet, however, for most souls, for most all of life, this is what LIFE is all about..growth and evolution. Today, we begin the final phase of the year, one of rest, renewal, review, reflection and realization, so in the Spring, we can begin anew and plant our seeds of inspiration and watch them grow.

Since our Earth Mother moved through the 12/21/12 dimensional portal, another element of significance occurs at the equinox and solstice times, as another wave of beautiful Souls will begin their ascension journey! The Equinox and Solstice gateways open the door for those who are ready, triggering the ascension codes, which are stored in the DNA. Once our codes fire off, our life is not every the same and we began a magnificent journey of evolution, where we can discovery our true self!

Those who ascension codes have fired, go through a clearing phase, where they/we wade through all that which is holding us back from our most authentic selves, bringing it forth to our conscious awareness, so we can make changes accordingly. The ascension clearing phase can last for years, and depends on your Souls choices, Soul contracts, objectives and mission.

Many old, unresolved issues will come forth for review at this time and it's important to allow ourselves to transform these issues into a state of understanding, acceptance and balance. That which we resist will persist, even more so in an ascension clearing phase! Our bodies go through many physical changes as well! Listening to our bodies, honoring its needs, along with allowing and embracing our feelings and emotions is imperative at this time.

Ascension helps us to balance and shift our overall signature frequency into one of a more expanded, evolved and open energetic vibration. We are both descending and ascending as we connect and balance out our Trinity: the Higher or more Evolved Self, descends to combine with our Core Heart Center/Inner Child. The Lower or Personality Self then ascends to combine with our Core Heart Center, bringing us into a more awakened, aware, evolved, open and balanced state of "beingness."

This wave of Ascender's will be experiencing deep reflection, revelations and spending much time in review for some time to come. Each wave of Ascender's helps to rise the frequency of our Earth and sets and stabilizes the foundation of the New Earth codes on the planet itself. You will intuitively know on some level if your ascension codes have fired off. Its a feeling deep within the well of your Heart. Bless those who have started their journey, continued blessing to those who are already walking that road and blessings to those who have yet to begin.

Much light and divine love to all for this beautiful season of reflection and blessed be to all on this winter day of celebration.

Written and haphazardly edited by Heyde Class
© A Celestial Solution/ Heyde Class: Certified Psychic Intuitive and Metaphysical Jack of all Trades :)

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Heyde Class Heyde Class

The Power of the Mirror

Everything in our life, serves as a mirror, a mirror of all of our akashic records. It's serves a mirror of our subconscious, our thoughts and beliefs, our fears, our joys, our memories etc. Our beliefs help to create our reality, and these beliefs are then mirrored back to us through our experiences.

We actually have mirror neurons in our brain, now how cool is that? The main role of mirror neurons is to assist us with learning through observation. So even our brain gets into the act with the mirroring. Other people can serve as a mirror, just as a movie, book, a text, or experience, can serve as a mirror.

This mirroring process, helps us see what we are not able to see. It helps us to uncover that which may be hidden from us. Anything we choose to ignore, deny or dodge, this is the stuff that we give our power away to and if we want to be truly Sovereign, we have to face the maker ( which is ourselves) and reclaim our empowerment.  Once we step out of judgement, it becomes much easier to do so... everything is happening FOR US not to US.

If it's something buried in our subconscious, we need that outside activation ( the mirror) so we are aware that it's there! We need it brought to the surface, so we can clear it out! If we choose to not deal with it,then another experience will arrive to give us the opportunity to work through it! And then another and another, till we finally step up to the plate and work it out.

Our "negative" reactions to life and our experiences can serve as the trigger, helping us to get in alignment with our authentic self. The key to this new energy is observation and non judgment! Life is an experiment, an experience and it's our judgment of it that can make it painful!

With observance, objectivity, love and compassion, we can sail right through these powerless experiences and right into our natural empowerment! Bring it on!

2017 Updated 2023 © A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class

Written and Haphazardly edited By Heyde Class: Certified Psychic Intuitive and Metaphysical Practitioner..All around Metaphysical Jack of All Trades..

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Heyde Class Heyde Class

Ascension Paths

There is no one road or path to experience Ascension..there are infinite pathways and roads, just as there is infinite possibilities...we may have similar experiences on this road, however, each path is unique unto each person.

Yes there are basic concepts of the Ascension process, such as we are shifting in vibration, evolving and growing, we are carrying more light, we are layering off eons of cellular memories, thus our cellular structure and response is changing and evolving, we are having various types of experiences, we are boldly going where no one has gone before...lol..I had to add that...however, this process is unique to each person who is experiencing it!

There is no one size fits all in Ascension clearing! It's simply....YOU being given the opportunity to change your view on many types of experiences that may have been deemed "good, bad or ugly" at the time it occurred or even in the present moment! Life is simply an experience, it's our judgment that labels it one way or another! If our previous view was distorted in some way, it's up to us to get out of our own way and shift that view into a new one, a new timeline that fits our new self..ideally one based on love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness! ( that's how we know it's distorted, its coming from judgement, instead of love and forgiveness) We can be viewing our experiences from our Core Heart Center! How that happens however, is entirely up to us!

Each time new waves of higher vibrating LIGHT flows into the planet, we get an upgrade of light/information, which in turn helps to dissolve the old, stored cellular experiences (information) that are no longer a frequency match and have been left unresolved and out of kilter in our DNA skin suits! It's like frozen darkness that is stored in our cells! That which is seeded in the dark, grows by the power of the light...This is what Ascension clearing is...it's cleaning all the mess, we may have left behind and giving us an opportunity to grow and evolve to new viewpoints and understandings...to find a balance, to discover more love, and compassion, to be love incarnate and experience unconditional love and acceptance! It's helping us to become Sovereign and empowered, to stand on our own two feet and become the very best we can be!

Yes we do create our own reality, which is a product of our chosen projections and perceptions! It's entirely subjective, as is truth...it varies from person to person! And yes time is simultaneous, with everything happening at once ( quantum physics) and we do create in the now, however, time is a 3D concept of our holographic reality. One second can equate to a 100 years on this planet. It's a natural progression and gives life more depth and meaning. We can see the growth, we can see the evolution through our perception of time! Without the construct of time, we would miss much of this!

Think how many experiences we can rack up in one day? Can you imagine how many experiences we can rack up in one lifetime? Not to mention all the other lifetimes we may have had, or our having? Intuitively, we can have an idea of what we did or are doing in our other lifetimes, however, we are tapped into this current reality. We can miss some of the experiences happening for us in other lifetimes or even the parallel lifetimes! Although they can and do bleed through into this life time! We are expanding to become more of our multi dimensional selves, and in so doing, we will eventually be able to shift back and forth into many dimensional states of reality, and we can do this now with our Consciousness, however, for now, we are focused mostly in experiencing one holographic reality during our waking state - 3D Earth.

So it comes down to this..We are walking, talking encyclopedias of our collected experiences, all which are stored in layers in our cells, and layer off in layers, indefinitely! It's our layered experiences ( stored in the cell memory) mixing with our current understanding, thoughts, beliefs, viewpoints etc... that help to create our projections and perceptions of reality..thus the" old and the new" are entirely entwined. The polarity is part of the experience and allows us to navigate to different positions on the poles..ideally in the middle is better!

This is why it's so important to clean up that which has been left undone, unresolved, ignored, denied, unforgiven, misunderstood judged or feared...these experiences can become our jailers, if left unacknowledged and sorted out, because we can create even more blocks to these painful experiences that we do not want to accept or embrace and we continue to create our reality based on them as well.

To be free, to be empowered, to be Sovereign, requires us to be willing to clean up these old, unresolved issues and bring them into some kind of resolution. We may think it's sorted, however, if our reality is showing us something different, ( the issue is showing itself again) it's time to look in the mirror, get out of our own way, take responsibility, and get it cleaned up!

This is where suspending our judgment of ourselves, others and sorted experiences is so key and crucial in the ascension clearing process...acceptance is the key..forgiveness, compassion, and love is mandatory to growth and evolution ...how we do this is entirely up to us! Making the commitment to ourselves and our evolution is so helpful and honestly necessary to walk this journey!

© A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class
Heyde Class: Certified Psychic Intuitive, Metaphysical Practitioner and All Around Metaphysical Jack of all trades. Lol * Everything is better with a touch of humor.....

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Welcome to 5D!

Many people are focused through a 3D lens and are tapped into one reality, perceiving an experience as the " only" possibility, when in all actuality, it's is just one of many possibilities, available to us in a Universe of Infinite possibilities.

When we focus through the 5D lens, we may see or focus on one potential possibility or reality, however, we KNOW that there are infinite possibilities to our reality!  We know that we can shift into different states of dimensional consciousness, viewing these realities from different points of view.   It's as simple as shifting our viewpoint.

There are no limits in a 5D consciousness reality, except those we place on ourselves. We are free to explore the many realities, shifting and changing as we see fit.

Quantum physics calls this the Many World Theory, which states, in my understanding, that every available possibility exists at the same moment and we tap into and focus on what every reality is a frequency match for us at that moment.

This theory can also explains why we have billions of different viewpoints and understandings in this World and how it really comes down to our own choice as to what reality we want to tap into. Just because we perceive that something is or is not happening, does not mean that it is the only possibility or that is really what is or is not happening! This is why I say that our projections and our perceptions are both our choice and responsibility!

We create our reality through a series of thoughts that turn into projections, that create our holographic reality. Projections are two way streets and also serve as our mirrors that allow us to perceive and see our reality. This is furthered influenced by our own thoughts,feelings, beliefs, emotions and of course any unresolved issues and or blocks we may have. This seriously colors what we see, our objectivity may fall to the way side and we may go into judgment about it! This is why practicing observation and objectivity is so key in our experiences, as it helps us to be neutral and not color our experiences with our own opinions and beliefs! In this balanced state, we can clearly see the many possibilities available to us to us at any moment.

Many people choose to be fearful of what they see! They may feel powerless to change it, which is a deceptive untruth..we are not able to change how another acts or responds, yes this is truth! However, we are able to change our perspectives, our minds, our thoughts, our beliefs, our choices, which in turn shifts our feelings and emotions and this also shifts our reality. Remember if it's our choice, it is our responsibility. We are full empowered beings, whether we are conscious of this yet or not. Many people are in the beginning stages of returning to their empowered states, while some are already fully stepping into their awareness and empowerment!  It's all just an evolutionary process and we are exactly where we need to be!

Stepping out of the 3D separation and judgment, stepping into the 5D infinite possibilities is a beautiful way to expand and evolve ourselves! Believing is one thing, knowing is another and living those beliefs and inner knowing is another!

© A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class

Heyde Class: Certified Psychic Intuitive and Metaphysical Practitioner

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Fall Equinox Sept. 22nd 2017

The Autumn Equinox is this Friday: 9/22/17. Each Equinox and Solstice serves as portal for the next wave of energies coming in and onto the planet. These astrological portals also serve as the triggering and awakening of a new group of souls into the ascension process.

Anyone who is on this planet at this moment, agreed to some level of ascension. Ascension basically means shifting to a higher frequency of light. Light is information, dark is essentially lack of information. The ascension codes are programmed into the DNA and once activated, there is no getting off that train, unless the person chooses to cross over. It's pretty much..sink or swim! Shit may be hitting the fan, however, it is opening the door for "shift" to happen as well! A sense of humor will really help in this process.

Once the Ascension codes are activated, so is the CLEARING process, which allows us the opportunity to increase our Light quotient. This happens naturally ( although not always comfortably both mentally, emotionally or physically) and often in big bursts and waves, when new high vibrating light frequencies come on to the planet. As the new frequencies are downloaded into our bodies, we release the layers of old cellular memory that are not in alignment to the higher energy and our most authentic selves. Thus our cells begin to hold more LIGHT! This clearing process can go on indefinitely, although I feel that we do reach a point, were the hard core clearing phrase is over and we can effortlessly release these old cellular memories with ease.

Around every Solstice and Equinox event, a new group or wave of ascending begins. This week will mark another Wave/ group of Ascenders, with each group activating at the following Equinox or Solstice respectively. This will continue yearly now, until minimum, 2035. So that racks up to around 19 yearly waves, as the first wavers started on 12/21/12, but the 2nd Wave group did not start till 3/21/15. The first wavers where setting the ground work, which was why that wave was SO long!

For those whose ascension process is now activated, or anyone who may be reading.... I want to share a few things to consider as you proceed on your Ascension path.

1. Life is simply an experience, an experiment. It is up to us to create these experiences and ALLOW these experiences to naturally unfold. We are able to control ourselves, not the experience or others.

2. Everyone is doing the best they can with the knowledge they have at the moment.

3. If its our choice, it is also our responsibility. Meaning we are responsible for what we create/project into our reality and also what we choose to perceive/see. Our life is our choice and responsibility! ( Obviously minor children, senior adults, animal companions etc.. who may be in our care are our responsibility to some level. This is not what I am talking about here.)

4. This Universe has polarity, so there are ALWAYS to sides to everything! Just like a coin has two sides, our creative projections also act as mirrors and with each mirror, serving as a message. It's our responsibility to look in the mirror and get the message. No blaming others for what we CHOOSE to see or not see. Thankfully messages repeat themselves till we got it and we need to pay attention to get the message!

4. Our beliefs are powerful, they create our reality and can be very limiting and box us in. Focusing through our inner knowing is expansive and unlimited and serves as one of the keys to discovering the infinite possibilities in the Universe.

5. Our judgement is one of biggest obstacle we will encounter when walking the Ascension path. Judgment is what keeps us limited, in resistance, separation and duality! It will slow down our evolution. It can even derail the ascension process for a while, when we choose to focus through the 3D lens of labeling our experiences ( including people, places, things and events) as good, bad, right or wrong. Preference is one thing, judgemental attitudes is another.

6. Releasing our resistance to learn, grow and evolve will help the ascension process go much smoother.

7. Getting our of own way and looking at the messages arriving into our reality and working to shift our view points is one of the most crucial factors in the ascension process. Fear is usually what keeps us from exploring these mirrors that are bringing us messages. Step out of fear and judgement to easily move forward.

8. Life is happening FOR US NOT to us. We are not victims, WE ALL have the ability to choose our own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, inner knowings, emotions, viewpoints and perspectives.

9. Everything is consciousness, with varying degrees of consciousness, coming from the same SOURCE: Prime Creator, which can also be called a million other names.( Buddha, God etc..).I am you, you are me..same SOURCE, different face and viewpoint.

10. Stepping into and re tuning to CORE HEART CENTER, which is the Inner child, is where we will find our true and most authentic empowerment. Discover and reconnect to your center! Our Center is our perfect balanced state, where we are the most joyful and fulfilled, creative and EMPOWERED! Our Center transmutes the FEAR!

11.Our Higher self/ Universe has our back! Trust in the process with an open heart and mind and know that it is ALL IN PERFECT AND DIVINE ORDER no matter what occurs!!!!

12. Many of our mirrors will also serve as TRIGGERS. Triggers are there to help us awaken to an issue that needs to be resolved and shifted in viewpoint. Triggers will come with a emotional charge of some kind, which can range from very mild to hard core! We may act (conscious) or react (unconscious) to these triggers. Triggers can come with the following feelings and or emotions such as anger, hate, rage, upset, irritability, judgment, guilt, sadness, frustration etc...this is HOW we recognize that we need to clean up something! If we choose to respond, with anything others then love, compassion, understanding and forgiving, then we have clean up detail!

13. Our physical, emotional and mental pain also serve as messages of what needs to be "cleaned up" and shifted to a different view point that aligns with our authentic truthWhile these types of messages may not be much fun, they are there to help us grow and evolve into the highest and greatest version of ourselves!

©A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class
Heyde Class is a Certified Psychic Intuitive and Metaphysical Practitioner, Author and a Metaphysical Jack of all trades! She is a First Waver Ascender with many, many moons of experience under her belt of the ascension process and clearing phrase. lol

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Heyde Class Heyde Class

Frequency Shifts of Weather

The last couple of days have proven to be really eye opening for me. I got the hit to share some intuitive insights because others may be going through something similar with the historical flooding occurring in and around the coast and Houston area. Blessings and love to all those effected ( both directly and indirectly) and dealing with these massive shifts in frequency that come from navigating ( and managing) such an epic and intense weather occurrence. You have been in my thoughts! We are all connected, so all of us are dealing with our "own personal hurricane" at present, as my friend Amanda reminded me this morning!

I grew up and lived in Tornado alley much of my life! Many Many years in Kansas and Oklahoma, with 10 years in Texas. I only just realized this weekend, that this was apparently by my Souls design, so I could learn how to shift frequency on a massive scale! And I am damn good at it! lol Interesting the insights we garner when disasters strike. Tornado's shift frequency in a fast moving, swirling, spiral motion, just like a vortex....its intensity is behind anything one can imagine, unless you happen to have gone through one. Which I have....( as have many others) many times..once in a car, when I was around 4-7 years old. I have the vaguest recollection of being in the car and looking out at the window and the World was crashing all around me..I even remember seeing this huge cone of black clouds lifting to the sky.. I can recall vaguely, feeling fascinated by it all..typical Elemental! LOL

I also recall, one tornado occurring done the street from my home on the night of my highs school graduation! If you have every seen the destruction and ravage of the after math of a tornado, it will almost rip out your guts..not to be graphic, but that is the only way I can describe it..for those of us highly emphatic, it's a very difficult frequency to assimilate and process. I can remember driving through the after math of a tornado in the 2000 time frame in Oklahoma, near OKC. It took me weeks to recover from not only the visual destruction, but also the sheer, raw, energetic frequency of desolation on such an grand scale. All I could say at the time was OMG.

Floods and Hurricanes can create very similar types of scenarios, along with tornadoes that are spun from all the chaos and high winds involved. Water has a very cleansing effect and shifts frequency in a much different way then does tornadoes, although, perhaps a bit more gently then the later in some ways. None the less, water can create new channels and avenues of understanding! Its just pushes itself through and can create a new way very quickly! Water rushing is a perfect example..flooding is reflective on the energetic level of an over abundance of emotion raising up to be accounted for. Make no mistake, ALL WEATHER is energy that collects up from all over the entire Earth. Depending on the frequency imprint of the geographical area and the inhabitants, along with the overall signature frequency of the areas, will determine what kind of WEATHER it experiences, along with creates and manifests.

The Southern tip of Texas is definitely going through hard core, major frequency shifting on epic levels. However, Texans are tough cookies, with Courage in their bones and they will rock through this ordeal, literally in some cases and come out the other side, stronger, more resilient and better than every! Many people around the US and the World are stepping up and supporting those in Texas with prayers, energetic work etc..We got your back, we feel you and we are there for you ALL..I was Reiki blanketing, protective bubbling and calling in Divine light service for the entire area, and sending Reiki! :)

So after viewing the pictures the other day of the historic flooding in Houston, I began to see that this like a modern version of the fall and flooding of the Islands of Atlantis. This hit me like a tidal wave and damn near knocked me..I burst out into tears with the acceptance and shock of this insight. I then understood, that for many of us who were there at Atlantis and witnessed the utter destruction, fall and sinking of Atlantis, that this was the trigger. It is now time to heal that open wound that has been sitting in many peoples DNA for thousands of years. If this resonances with you, I urge you to explore those emotions and wounds in the best way you know how. You may feel fear, panic, anxiety, anger or even grief. Just ride the roller coaster, as you will feel so much better when you get off.

WE ARE ALL CONNECTED! What happens to one happens to all, although our perspectives and experiences will vary depending on where we are at both emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and also physically, along with our geographical location. Be gentle with yourselves, be kind and supportive, so we can easier ride this roller coaster out my friends. The energy is pretty crazzzzzzzzie right now!

©A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class

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New Moon Intentions on this Power Solar Eclipse

What a day!  Besides a total Solar Eclipse, we experienced a New Moon in Leo!  This is a primo day to write our New Moon Intentions, although, due to the 5 planet retrograde, with one of the planets being Mercury, our intentions may be a bit slow to manifest themselves or may require review or revision at some point. 

Listed below is a excerpt from my forthcoming book, " Shifting Your Money Frequency" due out, I am hoping in Late Fall, 2017 on how to do New Moon Intentions for those who may not know or would like a review!

New Moon Intentions

The New Moon is a wonderful time for new beginnings. I view these times as an opportunity to get clear about what my desires/intentions are and what I would like to achieve in the next 30 days or so. It's like placing an order with the Universe for what I desire the most. It helps us to get focused on what we would like to accomplish and gives us an avenue to put our intentions out into the World!

After 17 plus years of writing monthly intentions during New Moon times, I have found that some of my intentions have manifested very quickly, while others have taken years, a few not at all (such as winning millions in the lottery, yes I asked! ) and others not at all how I had anticipated!! ( Giving up sugar is the first thing that comes to mind) SO obviously, there are no guaranteed results or outcomes when we create these intentions. It's a bit like playing Wheel of Fortune, however, I am a FIRM believer that all requests we make to the Universe, all manifest eventually, and all in perfect and divine timing and order.

Basic Guidelines for New Moon Wishes. I feel that guidelines are just that, guidelines! Our imagination and intuition are always the best way for us specifically, to create something! The key is to be as clear and concise about what you desire and intend to manifest!!

1. Hand write your intentions, as there is loads of energy in handwritten intentions. In addition, you can say them out loud as well. Clear and concise intentions are the best!
2. Keep the list short, perhaps around 10 intentions, with all of them pertaining to YOU!
3. Single intentions are the ideal. Intentions that state two desires can often create muddled results!
4. The ideal is to write out your intentions within 8 or so hours of the New Moon, however, anytime during the day or even the next day is fine. I have written a few a week later!
5. Trust your intuition as to how to write out the intention. I have written an intention and immediately turned around and rewrote it in another way. Be as clear and concise as possible.
6. What we believe will have a major impact on the outcome of our intentions. Beliefs in of themselves can be very limiting. So if you do not believe you will get your wishes, then you are not as likely to manifest them.
6. Being open to the manifestation of our intentions is most important. Once we get clear, we can help them manifest as well, by following our own inner guidance on what to do next!
7. Please understand that old beliefs or unresolved emotions can be a potential block for our intentions manifesting! These will need to be re framed and resolved in many cases, before said intention will manifest into our experiences.

I have learned with experience, to be open and embrace what comes. I truly "believe" that what every does or does not manifest is for our highest and greatest good. I keep a notebook with all my monthly intentions in it for the year. I date and list the New Moon for easy reference, so I can see what may or may not have manifested. It also lets me review my intentions, so I can restate an intention/wish again the following month, especially if it has not yet manifested.
Our intentions help us create our experiences. They act as both the arrow that we shoot out into the World and as the anchor to ground and manifest our desires into our reality! Once we make a choice and state that intention to the Universe, we are turning on our creative ability to manifest our desires! There are infinite possibilities in this Universe, so truly the "only" limit we have is what we can dream up to create!!

© A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class - Certified Psychic Intuitive and Astrologer and All around Metaphysical Jack of all Trades!


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Time Lines, Infinite Possibilities and Psychics

As we continue to shift (both personally and as a Collective,) into a heart based and expansive, multi dimensional experience and consciousness, open to the infinite possibilities in this Universe, reading timelines can get really tricky! All timelines run in pairs. This is due to the Law of Polarity. Also at the present, I am intuitively getting, that we have a min. of 12 Collective timelines running at the moment, which are all in different, dimensional states of consciousness Holy Wow! We pick up on that which we can tap into and our a frequency match with. So what that means is we have around 24 Collective timelines shifting around..that's alot of timelines and this does not include your own personal timelines..like I said..infinite possibilities, which blows the whole right/wrong paradigm right out of the water! LOL We can find ourselves on a different timeline experience in a blink of an eye!

So there are Collective timelines that involve humanity as a collective experience, such as world events, elections etc... They are the most difficult to read because so many people are involved in creating those timelines. And for each timeline, it has an opposite running timeline. We have multiple timelines running currently, which criss cross and intersect each other. Sorting them out sometimes can be a bit of a go, because we as a Collective are changing so rapidly! Please understand these timelines are all possible, so really, no one is calling it "wrong" as they are tapped into a specific timeline and or are seeing all the possibilities.

Now each being, ( human, animal etc) has their own timelines as well, which again have their opposites. You can be running multiple timelines, just as the Collective does. It can get complicated..lol..so not only are we all on "Collective timelines", we also have Personal timelines. Please remember, what you choose to focus on and believe, is part of what creates your timelines. Also, all your collective experiences helps to determine and influence your timeline experiences..and they are not linear either..they go in all sorts of directions, happening all at once! You can shift your personal timeline at will by your intention, tho not so much the Collective timeline..in this case, you are more a raindrop in the ocean! Collective timelines, shift by the combined frequency of the entire group of beings, However, your frequency is just as important and needed as, anyone else's!

Just as every profession has, there are psychic readers who are ethical and in integrity, doing their very best to assist others. There are also those who are dodgy and are not, and then those who are everything in between. Some psychics are self taught, others educated in the psychic arts or our a mix of both. ( I am self taught and educated.) The psychic profession in general has had a reputation in the past for employing dodgy practitioners who are folks you can not trust. Personally, I think that's not true. I know alot of incredible practitioners who are very ethical and in integrity!

So when you get a session from a Psychic, they are using their psychic abilities and intuition to read timeline possibilities, potential outcomes, energy frequencies and signatures and/or your Akashic records etc. Psychic readers are ALL different and have many different abilities and skills! Some do predictive or Akashic work, others are more spiritual or metaphysical counselors or consultants, others more healers or a combo or a mix of skills. We all vary, and no one size fits all here! There are many very talented psychics on the planet at present! We are able to bring through, that which we can understand, perceive, pick up, tap and tune into. Just because one psychic or reader, picked up something and another may not have, does not mean one is better then the other! Every reader is unique and has their own strengths and expertise.

Choosing a reader is best by how you feel when you see or read about them. Always trust your own intuition as to whether someone is the best reader for you or not! And most especially, if what they told you is "truth" for you specifically. Our cells will ring when we hear OUR truth! TRUST YOUR OWN INTUITION ABOVE ANY OTHER PERSONS! Readings are fabulous for guidance and to help us get clear about matters. They are not meant to replace your own intuition, inner guidance, or truth. Always use your discernment and objectivity with any type of session you may receive, no matter who it is from!

About me: I have not every been a fan of "predictive" psychic work to be honest! Predictive readings are basically telling someone what may or may not happen to them in the future based on the current timeline. Here's the deal, nothing is every set in stone, there are multiple timelines running with infinite possibilities and readings are good solely for them moment they are given period! Very early in my career, I did do predictive tarot readings, then I moved into what I call semi predictive work, by mixing astrology and tarot. It felt more empowering, because frankly, I did not feel it was very empowering to tell someone, what MAY happen to them. I always felt readings where just to help us get clear and we could alter that which was not working for us from the information we received.

By the way, I am in no way, saying I think predictive readings are wrong or bad. I just do not like doing them and I have done my fair share!. :) I have a friend of mine, who is one of the best predictive readers I have every met, the best of the best! I refer people to her, when someone finds me and wants a predictive. Predictive readings have their purpose and place, they are just not my cup of tea.

So over the years, (29 years in May, 2017) I grew, evolved, tweaked and find my own style and keep updating the type of sessions I did. My sessions are a mix of all my skills and I choose to help folks reclaim their natural empowerment, get clear on their intentions and desires and then THEY can choose their potential outcomes and possibilities. Total win win! The astrology reading I do, is the closest thing I do now that has anything remotely to do with "predicting." And in this case, we are looking at favorable astrological aspects and conditions and how to take advantage of these. Again nothing is every set in stone! Our life is our choice and our responsibility!

It is easy to see personal outcomes, when looking at one persons potential and collective choices. I am great at seeing potential outcomes, I am even better at seeing/spotting mental and emotional patterns in individuals that are holding them back from their desires and natural empowerment. This is by far, my expertise in the Intuitive metaphysical consulting arena. What I am not so strong with is COLLECTIVE outcomes that involve humanity.

If you are interested in my sessions, you can check out my website under A Celestial Solution. I learned that if I put the URL in the posts, then less people see the post..go figure! lol

© A Celestial Solution/ Heyde Class *Metaphysical Jack of All Trades..Certified Psychic Intuitive and Medium, Astrologer and a whole bunch of other stuff.

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Full Moon In Leo And Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Feb.11th, 2017

Wow, what an Eclipse! Lol Not only do we have a Full Moon which brought that energy to a huge peak, it was also a Penumbral Eclipse, which is by far the most gentle of the three types which include total and partial. I feel like the main theme of this Lunar Eclipse, which acts as reset button, was for us to be able to understand who we are at the very core of our being. In so doing, once we truly understand WHO we are, we can better discover what we need to live our most authentic life. Which often includes a clean up detail to help us get back into alignment with our Core!

This Eclipse gives us the opportunity to explore any areas where we may not feel we are " good enough." Areas where we may feel we have failed or missed the mark, particularly in our ability to take action. Where we may be hiding away our special talents and gifts from the World, especially if we are fearful of others people's reactions or opinions of us...( cough, cough..me included, light workers and frequency holders take note on this one.)

It is giving us an opportunity to see where we may be giving away our power to a thought, feeling, belief, a person, animal or even circumstance. It's helping us see where we need to be more independent and stand on our own two feet. Many folks rely heavily on their partners and often let what they want to really do slide, because their partner might not approve. This is what this Eclipse is for..to help u get into touch with your true core and any unresolved emotional issues, feelings, thoughts or beliefs, that are holding you back from being that CORE / authentic you! Once we do this, we can reclaim our empowerment.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

Eclipse effects can last for months, and we have another occurring on Feb. 26th, a Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Pisces. This next eclipse will really help us tap into our imagination, our spirituality, our compassion and our ability to have empathy for others. It will also help us see more clearly where we are deceiving ourselves in some way..or lots of ways!

In Astrology, The Sun represents our Yang/divine male self, who we really are at heart, at our CORE, especially in how we take action. The Moon, represents our Yin/divine feminine, self, who we really are at the core of our feeling" self. This eclipse was bringing both of these sides of ourselves ( males and female) into a balance. © Dr. Heyde Class

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Generosity: Working the Money Grids

A primo way to work the "money grids"..BE GENEROUS! This has been my number one way to work with the money grids for years now! My way is being generous with my time, knowledge, possessions ( give away stuff to thrift stores, etc.) or my support, praise and referrals. (referrals especially for my women friend with small businesses) Referrals help not only the person being referred but usually the person who may chose to buy a service. Total win win!

Doing this, has paid me back a thousand fold over the years I tell you, though I do not necessary receive financial compensation for the person I may have helped.  I give it freely and somehow it just comes back around to me in some way!  It’s also important to remember to have strong, firm boundaries with this, as we can sometimes be to or overly generous and get taken advantage of.

It does show up in my life in many different ways..such as I have plenty of free time. I am generous with my time, so the Universe "pays me" in plenty of free time. Or…I may get "paid" when a friend buys me dinner or I get a discount on a purchase or I am offered an opportunity to go to something for free, or someone gives me a gift!

All that time, effort, love, and generosity we give to the others, ALWAYS comes back our way..and for me, it's my favorite way to be of service to other people. I do treat others as I would want to be treated!!   Heyde Class

©A Celestial Solution/ Heyde Class

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Living on a Fractured 5D Timeline

The Donald’s unexpected WIN has created an interesting turn of events, as I feel we moved into a Fractured Time Line. Currently, from what I am seeing, we have 3 main timelines running. All Time lines have a paired parallel or opposite line, so we have a total of 6 possibilities currently. Timelines will cross each other, back and forth and intersect at different points.

These timelines have a semi “predictability” to them if that makes sense. Almost like an outline of sorts and are not to difficult to navigate. Tho nothing is set in stone per say. We SHIFT back and forth between all of these timeline, back and forth. If you envision curving lines next to each other, with another set stacked directly opposite, it's easier to visualize this.

However, when the Donald won Tuesday, Nov. 8th, 2016 it literally fractured the timeline off from one of the MAIN timelines into an entirely different direction. If you are thinking holy shit Batman..then that would be an appropriate response. We are now flying on a 5D fractured timeline of infinite possibilities.

When I look into this timeline, all I see is the impending tidal wave of darkness or the unknown. What I see is the VOID! Yea buddy, we will be needing some big ass flashlights! lol I dreamed about this very thing last month. I was just not sure how it would arrive! Now, here it is, wrapped up in a Presidency election. Very unexpected indeed!

An example of a skewed or fractured time line is featured in the movie, Back to The Future 2, when Marty and Doc were trying to sort a mess that was in the future, as to change the current moment. It starts when Marty buys a book that lists all the outcomes to sporting events from 1950 - 2000ish. Bif’s older self, over hears the conversation between Doc and Marty. ( Doc is saying do not meddle in the future or past!) Bif manages to steal the book and the Delorean, flying it back to 1950ish, to give his younger self the book.

That event, ended up skewing (fracturing) the timeline off into an unknown and unexpected direction. In this timeline, Bif ends up married to Marty's mom, is super wealthy, running the entire town of Hill Valley and is naughty as all get out. It’s a very dodgy timeline. Marty and Doc have to highjack the book back and take it back to the future to undo what happened. It worked in that case.

Now what does that mean for us? What it means is that we are NOW cruising down an entirely, unscripted timeline of infinite possibilities. We are sailing in uncharted and unknown waters. We are running in the dark with essentially no flashlights. ( We have to become the flash light.) We are flying around in the VOID. The well of infinite possibilities, Fifth dimensional consciousness in all its glory.

ANYTHING GOES on this timeline...ANYTHING! Essentially, the rules no longer apply, as the “rules” are simply a possibility.

Fractured timelines are just a barrel of unpredictability! They can bring up fear in spades..their are like the scariest fun house you may have every experienced, as all our fears can be mirrored back to us a thousand fold. Remember fear is just false evidence appearing real. However, we can also have love, joy and bliss mirrored back to us as well..remember it’s our choice. We get to “shop around” in these timelines, choosing what we want to experience, so it need not be a downer. It can really be a lot of fun, as we get to experience life in new and different ways. It’s only a bummer, if we decide it to be.

These types of timelines can be the BEST or the WORST, as they are the ultimate in unpredictability. It’s very similar to having the rug pulled out from underneath your feet, only to find yourself a few seconds later, riding around on a magic carpet! The trick with these timelines is understanding that it's our choice what we experience. You have to know HOW to navigate this type of timeline..and this comes from an open heart and mind and willingness to go with the flow of events..that’s one of the easiest ways. Otherwise, it can be absolute hell, honestly.

It’s because of the unknown factor, the darkness that arrives with these types of timelines, that can cause the fear. Humans seem to want to be in control, but control is just an illusion. The unpredictability of these types of timelines is just one reason why some folks are SO scared right now..they may feel like they have no control and no clue whats going to manifest next. Everything can be and often is very unsettled on fractured times lines for an indefinite period.

I have read that some folks think that The Donald was predestined to win to help Humanity move into its Ascension phrase and 5D consciousness. I do not feel that this timeline was predestined, however. I think it was just one possibility, not necessarily a probability. Fractured timelines are possibilities with no predetermined to it!

I do feel that The Donald has a Soul contract to help move Humanity along, serving as mirror for unresolved issues and busting up the current system. We need to thank him sincerely for that. So far, he is doing a beautiful job. Honestly, the Hillary win timeline was/would have been a much more gentle, more predictable timeline per say..would have been much easier for folks to sallow and navigate those big changes. But alias that is not what occurred and we have officially moved full throttle into the land of the abyss. So buckle up folks, expect a wild ride and welcome to 5D consciousness..our lives with not every be the same.

Special note: this post is sharing what I feel has occurred due to a Trump win. We have moved into a Fractured 5D timeline of infinite possibilities. It's about how to navigate this timeline and some of the things that can occur. When I talk about Trump busting the system, I am talking about the 3D matrix of fear, not the current political system. I see Trump as the trigger and mirror of the unresolved issues that need to be cleared and resolved from the Collective Mass Consciousness! So We are ALL the flashlights! We are ALL the solution!

2016 © A Celestial Solution • Written and haphazardly edited by Heyde Class - Professional Certified Psychic Intuitive, Astrologer and Reiki Instructor. Frequency Photo added 2023.

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FEAR and The Current Political Climate

FEAR..."false evidence appearing real" ...it seems like FEAR is permeating the society at present with this election and running rampant. I hear, all will be lost if Hillary or Trump wins! No, nothing will be technically lost, though perhaps transformed into something different. We may or may not like it, but life is after all an experience, with unlimited potentials and perspectives! Choosing fear instead of love and trust, limits us dramatically!

No one person brings down an entire country! That takes more than just one person. Besides, the President does have limited power in many things, thankfully, there are 535 other folks, called the Congress, that need to get or be on board for things like Amendments to be amended, ratified or removed. Lots of folks getting their knickers in a twist about things that are not likely to happen!

So how far down the rabbit hole do people want to go? It can be pretty dark and scary at the bottom of that hole and this is where our fear resides! Why? Because we can't see the outcome, we can not control what happens, because we may be attached to a specific outcome. We are blinded by the darkness when we start buying into fear!

Panic, anger, hate, greed, judgment, guilt, fear, all those wayward, low vibrating feelings and emotions are sitting at the bottom of that rabbit hole...and many folks just jump right in, head first! Blinded by anger or hate, by their limited and rigid beliefs, by thinking they are better or superior to another being, or even because someone told them so..fear can blind and bind people like no other feeling or emotion!

We can choose to buy into fear or not and it is a choice! There are several things that will help fear dissipate, the best one, besides choosing LOVE..is acquiring information! Information is the light, and through the light, we are no longer blind! We then can remove those bindings and march forward into the light!

We can educate ourselves...so simply go Goggle, read, discover, and expand our mind! Because when we do, we SHIFT our frequency and our perspective! We can see better, which means we usually feel better and if we feel better, we usually make better choices and decisions.

United we Stand

© Dr. Heyde Class

With this Presidential election..on the over all whole..we have zero control of the outcome! However, what we do have control over is ourselves, our perspectives, our choice, our vote, our feelings. Stepping out of the fear is so important to make a clear choice!

We are super blessed that we get to participate in this choice, even though we are not able to control the outcome. The more we are in fear and attached to a specific outcome, the more disappointed and upset we may be, when what we want does not happen!

So we can choose fear, or we can choose love, trust and faith in the divine natural of life, that all will be well, no matter what occurs. Life is ever and always evolving and we need to step out of fear to see it!

May love and trust prevail in the weeks ahead!

2016- 2023© Dr. Heyde Class

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Opposing Sides

I got the hit to watch the Star Wars movie, the Force Awakens. This is a brilliant movie, though it's one that's brilliance reveals itself slowly, as you watch it, over and over again. What struck me as a stand out this go was the parallel of what is happening currently in the American political scene. Two sides, basically at war with each other, with opposing viewpoints, aiming to be in charge of the wheel.

In this scenario, the Republic, represents the light, and appears to have little interest in war, rather they are more interested in keeping the peace. They are fair, more balanced in their viewpoints and supporting the differences in people, seeing the value of diversity.

The First Order represents the dark. They play it dirty, want absolute allegiance, order and do not see the value in differences, as evidence to their legions of Storm Troopers, all dressed ironically in white, with black trim. They also seem to feel entitled to run the show, as evidence to their actions, i "its our way or the highway" scenario...total dictatorship there.

The saddest part of this story is that one group of folks ( The First Order) thinks that their way is the ONLY way and that it is the best way for everyone. This is very lopsided, out of balance thinking at its finest. It displays the epitome of the dark side qualities, not being able to see clearly! The First Order is so blinded by fear and hate, they no longer can see the forest from the trees and will resort to extreme and drastic measures to just run the show.

In their case, they ( The First Order) choose to wipe out 3-4 planets of the Republic, and perhaps billions of people, in one go, with a deadly machine they created that is charged by draining the SUN till there is no more Sun left. Apparently, they are ok with living in darkness, and perhaps losing all life, as long as they get to be in charge. Holy Moly!

In the end though, it all comes crashing down on them literally, because this is eventually what happens when folks run round in the dark! They run into things, like walls, that knock them flat. It easily happens when we push out the light of love and choose fear instead!

Remember we have ZERO control of the outcome, especially once things are set into motion. We can control our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, perspectives and our actions.

Love is the light and the dark in a perfect balance, the zero point, the well of infinite possibilities. We need both as what is seeded in the dark, grows by the power of the light. Through the light we see more clearly. We can find our balance point and level the playing field. We can see all sides and can come from an objective viewpoint. This is really what balance is objectivity..neutrality.

Two Sides

© Dr. Heyde Class

Those who chose the far extreme of any viewpoint, can easily lose sight of the bigger picture. They can get out of balance, falling head first, down the rabbit hole at rapid speed. When they finally hit the bottom, it hurts and is a bit of a go to climb out of.

When we take an extreme view of anything, we are exploring, however it is in out best interest and much better to go back to a balance point of view to find LOVE. Otherwise, we may just find ourselves in an outcome we do not want to experience! Its called the Law of Cause of Effect..for every cause, there is an effect and visa versa.

2016 © Update 2023 A Celestial Solution/ Dr. Heyde Class

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Willingness, Intention, Awareness

What lens do you want to view life from? What lens do you want to create your experiences from? Do you prefer to view it from a pessimistic or a optimistic viewpoint? Either will do, but the later gives us far greater results in terms of manifesting and achieving our goals. What lens we see through and create our experiences from is always our choice, tho often times, we may be running old, subconscious, disempowerment programs and have unresolved, emotional issues that have us viewing it to the contrary.

It's very important to address these subconscious programs and emotional issues and bring them into resolution as a means to help us experience life how we choose. No need to be running old, outdates programs! Thats like running Windows 98 on a 2016 Computer! Its does not work very well!

Changing our viewpoint or perspective is simple. It's kinda like putting on a new pair of glasses! It does take willingness to do so, setting our intention to have a different experience and then they daily practice of self AWARENESS! We need to get OFF auto pilot and listen to what we are saying, (our self talk) and be very present in our experiences. ( We need to pay attention to what is really occurring and not just thinking of the grocery list or a school or work project that is due.)

To really shift and change, we have to get OUT OF OUR WAY and see life through a different lens! We may need a therapist, a friend or even a journal to help us with this. The objective is to allow ourselves the opportunity to experience something different! That requires self awareness and a shift in viewpoint at the very least.

Life will mirror back to us what we think, feel and believe. It takes courage to look in the mirror and even more so to do something about it, if what we see is not to our liking!

Sometimes life has to dismantle itself to recreate itself in another form. It's called transformation! This is exactly what is happening right now to many folks on some level. How ready, willing and open to change we are, will really determine how we may be experiencing this.

So if it feels like life has handed you a bunch of lemons, it's time to turn them into lemonade!! This is easily accomplished by being willing to change and setting our intention to one of open hearted observation, optimism and self awareness, understanding that all that is slipping away is making room from something so much more grand and wonderful!

What is coming is helping us to create our greatest desires and is a reflection our new authentic, empowered signature Frequency. For those of you going through HUGE changes..CONGRATULATIONS! You are in the process of shifting yourself into a whole new state of consciousness! Well done!! 2016 © Heyde Class/A Celestial Solution

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New Moon/Solar Eclipse 2016

Today marks the New Moon and Solar Eclipse which occurred at 2:03 AM PDT in Virgo at 9 degrees and 21 minutes. For those folks who have any planets in close aspect to this degree, this astrological event will be very significant! ( In particular folks with Sun signs of Virgo, Pisces, Gemini and Sag from 00 Degrees to 19 degrees.)

New Moons give us an opportunity to began a new cycle of intention. They often are earmarks of subtle awakenings and new beginnings in our lives. Add in the power, packed, punch of a Solar Eclipse, and not only do we have a new beginning, but we also get a proverbial, reset button, as an added bonus! What makes this transit even more flavorful and delicious, is Mercury's backwards trip, (retrograde) in Virgo no less, at the same time, put the finishing touches on this enlightening, eye opening, astrological event.

The sign of Virgo rules over the Sixth house of work, duty and responsibility. So this New Moon will give us plenty of opportunities to began anew, redo and repair in these areas, with plenty of time to left over, to rethink and reevaluate the work, duty and responsibilities in our lives. Mercury retrogrades are NOT the primo time for new starts, however, if the spirit moves you, then I say go for it!

Mercury retrogrades are really the ultimate YIN times, as they allow us to easily recognize that we need to stop and take a breath, for the next 3 weeks!! We can remember that we do not need to be “doing” all the time! We can respect ourselves, our time and space and we can start doing any internal repairs that are needed. We can refocus our priorities, renew our spirit, and rebuild our self worth and esteem if needed. We can relax, rest and recuperate.

Now this MR rest and renewal period, seems opposite of the “doing” of work and duty, does it not? Exactly! This transit is helping us all, identify our authentic boundaries and priorities and bring our working life ( Yang/Divine Male) into better balance with our resting time. ( Yin/Divine Female) It is helping us to see where we may need a fire under our bums, or perhaps, we need to put that fire out and take a rest instead.

This transit is also helping us discover areas where we may have bought into the illusions of perfectionism and unworthiness. Many times, these beliefs are entirely subconscious, as we may have already worked these beliefs through on the conscious level. Time to dig deep and that is exactly what a Mercury retrograde is for..reflection and reevaluation! Apparently, the whole of Humanity is in need of an extended reflection time concerning work, duty, responsibility, and worthiness!

Feelings of unworthiness are at the root of most all feelings of disempowerment and fear. It has been practical drilled into the collective consciousness and unconscious of humanity, that we are ALL unworthy for dozens of different reasons. It’s said in a million different ways, depending on the society! And guess what folks, its bunch of who haw! Total nuisance, a bag full of malarky, and basically is a means to control the collective!

So on that note, here are my insights about the reality of our worthiness: We are ALL divine beings of CREATION! Therefore, we are always worthy, not matter what! Society does not dictate our worthiness, nor does any religious belief or institution, person, title or job. It does not matter how naughty we may have been, or what we may or may not have done, we are still worthy! No deed, no event, no person or no experience, changes this reality, ever for any reason, because we all come from Creation, thus we are worthy! We do not have to like what others do, nor agree, nor follow them, we ideally want to be true to ourselves and our authentic heart.

We are all here to experience. We all make mistakes ( or what appears to be mistakes) and have triumphs. We are all a PERFECT aspect of Creation, flaws and all. We are ALL on different paths, with various blueprints, beliefs and levels of understanding, skills and abilities, depending on our collection of experiences. We may share common attributes with others, but essentially, we are a unique extension of Creation. We all deserve love, life, liberty and an opportunity to experience life, as we so choose. We are all love in some form, no matter the form, because we are Creation.

WE ARE ALL ONE, we come from the same place, SOURCE and as such, we do effect the other, with every word we speak, thought we think or deed we do. Please treat all beings with respect, love, kindness and compassion and watch it come back to you a million times over. If it does not, then there is some conscious/subconscious work to do! Celebrate the amazing handy work of Creation! Namaste and Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse.

Written and haphazardly edited by Heyde Class © 2016 A Celestial Solution If you share this article, please do so in its entirety and with copyright notice intact. www.acelestialsolution.com

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Listening to the Body

Every call of pain from the body is a wake up call! Something is amiss, and our body needs assistance! Some emotion may need expression, releasing, clearing and resolution, and or our bodies may want rest and recuperation. Every time is different and depends on your specific bodies needs. No one size fits all!

That's why learning how to communicate with our body is simply mandatory! Our human body is the vehicle for our Soul to get from place to place on planet Earth. Just as our 3D cars need pit stops for gas and maintenance, perhaps a wash and wax..so do our bodies! Being respectful, appreciative and kind and loving to our bodies is also mandatory! Especially if you want to thrive in this new frequency. Those who chose to continue down the old way of ignoring and being abusive to their bodies and themselves will be in from some big wake up calls.

Humans seem to be particularly hard on their bodies, with many folks feeding their bodies with very low light, vibrating food and drinks, ( meat, soda pop, chips etc) pushing it to the limits, giving it little attention or rest, feeding it pessimistic thoughts etc. No wonder our body finally gets pissed off and say enough!

Body Talk

© Dr. Heyde Class

We are in a symbiotic partnership with our body, which is a living library of frewuency, that includes every experience you have every had, along with what gets passed down the ancestral line. What you experience, so does your body ( however, perhaps not in the exact same way) and it is all recorded into the RNA ( cell memory) of the body. It’s also records in the bones, ( the hard copies of the experience) and our cells, blood, organs etc.

Pain is a very low vibrating frequency, however it is often the only way, our body can really get our attention! Please when the body speaks to you, listen! Honor, appreciate and love your body and it will repay you a thousand fold with great health and well being! The body has to be a priority..not an after thought! 2016-2023 © Dr. Heyde Class

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Heyde Class Heyde Class

FM Lunar Eclipse in Libra 3/2016

Astrological events serve as triggers to open gateways of new frequencies. It's like waves and waves of new energy flooding in and how it may or may not effect us, depends a lot on how the astrological events create aspects to our personal planets in our natal birth chart and how we choose to respond to these events.

In March, 2016 with have had the Triple Crown: A Solar Eclipse/New Moon ( New potential) in 18 degrees 56 minutes Pisces, Vernal Equinox In Aries ( balance and awakening) and finally, on March 23rd we will have the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon ( peak potential) in 03 degrees and 17 minutes Libra. Often times, the later, being the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in this case, can be the most intense trigger/gateway opening of them all.

Inner Trinity

© Dr. Heyde Class

The New Moon brings in the new potential, the Equinox helps to balance out the energy and then the Full Moon begin everything to a peak for resolution and assimilation. To better explain, a New Moon ushers in a new potential of energy and the Full Moon is the culimational of that potential energy - a Full Moon represents the peak time of any frequency/energy, which can bring many issues to a head! Envision an erupting volcano at it most intense moment and you will easily understand the power of a Full Moon!

The Moon in itself deals with our EMOTIONS ( thoughts + energy = emotions) and the daily events of our lives. So couple these two astrological aspects together (the potential for and peak of erupting emotions in our daily lives) and it's like a bee hive finally breaking open, pouring out both honey and potential stings at the same time. How intense that may be again, depends on the aspects being created in our personal chart and how we CHOOSE to respond to these eruptions and subsequently awakenings that may or may not occur.

The Solar Eclipse/New Moon serves as the first trigger, then the Equinox acts as 2nd trigger and a potential balancing point. The Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon is the final trigger, bringing everything to a potential peak and resolution. What is really happening during this time is that we are being given an A Plus opportunity for awakening or en-light-en-ment. And within that awakening, there our plenty of new experiences, understandings, insights, ideas, and concepts to play with!

With all that new insight, it may well take some time to find the BALANCE of those ideas! Balance is where we find the zero point frequency or 5th dimensional consciousness, the well of infinite possibilities and the perfect observation point! The perfect balance on the pole, between the two polarities.

From the observation/balance point, we have a CLEAR view of it ALL, we can see all sides, all possibilities, because we got out of own way! We are not leaning to far in either direction, towards either pole of duality! This Full Moon/LE is in the Aries -( ruled by Mars) and Libra - ( ruled by Venus) can be rather "explosive" because of the astrological signs they happen to be occurring in, couple with other transiting planets.

Balance is always the key when dealing with opposites such as these. Aries is a take action sign, Libra is a peace keeping sign. Aries wants to charge ahead, Libra sets back and observes, often waiting to make a decision.

This week, we may find ourselves waffling back and forth, wishy washy, tho still trying to push our way through anyways, banging our head in the process and feeling massively frustrated in the bargain. Or we may feel angry, frustrated or out of sorts as we try to sort out the sheer amount of emotions coming up. Or we may just breeze right through. smile emoticon Going with the flow is really win win!

The interesting thing about Solar or Lunar Eclipses, is that while a astrological event can trigger a new awakening, it may take awhile for it ( our new vision or understanding) to settle in and we may deal with the effects of that setting in for up to 6 months, or till the next SE or LE occurs! Long lasting effects in other words.

How open we are to change, to a new viewpoint and/or to awakening in itself, will often determine HOW we experience these intense times in our lives. Our beliefs and thoughts determine most of our life. We could look at the Solar and Lunar Eclipses as the Universe holding up a giant mirror to our face to help see very clearly that which we needs to be released, so we can really get where we want to go..so we can find that zero point, that well of infinite possibilities, find that balance..so we can really be living our most authentic life!

2016 ©A Celestial Solution/Heyde Class

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