Listening to the Body
Every call of pain from the body is a wake up call! Something is amiss, and our body needs assistance! Some emotion may need expression, releasing, clearing and resolution, and or our bodies may want rest and recuperation. Every time is different and depends on your specific bodies needs. No one size fits all!
That's why learning how to communicate with our body is simply mandatory! Our human body is the vehicle for our Soul to get from place to place on planet Earth. Just as our 3D cars need pit stops for gas and maintenance, perhaps a wash and do our bodies! Being respectful, appreciative and kind and loving to our bodies is also mandatory! Especially if you want to thrive in this new frequency. Those who chose to continue down the old way of ignoring and being abusive to their bodies and themselves will be in from some big wake up calls.
Humans seem to be particularly hard on their bodies, with many folks feeding their bodies with very low light, vibrating food and drinks, ( meat, soda pop, chips etc) pushing it to the limits, giving it little attention or rest, feeding it pessimistic thoughts etc. No wonder our body finally gets pissed off and say enough!
Body Talk
© Dr. Heyde Class
We are in a symbiotic partnership with our body, which is a living library of frewuency, that includes every experience you have every had, along with what gets passed down the ancestral line. What you experience, so does your body ( however, perhaps not in the exact same way) and it is all recorded into the RNA ( cell memory) of the body. It’s also records in the bones, ( the hard copies of the experience) and our cells, blood, organs etc.
Pain is a very low vibrating frequency, however it is often the only way, our body can really get our attention! Please when the body speaks to you, listen! Honor, appreciate and love your body and it will repay you a thousand fold with great health and well being! The body has to be a priority..not an after thought! 2016-2023 © Dr. Heyde Class