Earth Star Chakra
The Earth Star chakra is our primary grounding point with Earth and is located outside of the body, 6-18 inches, below the feet, in the auric field.
The ESC serves as our bridge and connection to Mother Earth, helping us to anchor and root the light frequencies of the body and create a stronger bond with the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms.
This etheric connection serves as a two way communication system with the Earth, where we can both send and receive light, ( information) tapping into our “library card” for accessing the Earth’s living library and our Earth records.
When we are disconnected from the ES, we can easily lose our authentic connection with others, along with our balance and stability. We can walk around with our heads lost in the clouds, so maintaining a strong and healthy connection is vital for our well being.
Practicing mindfulness, being present in the moment, ( not solely focusing on the past or future) deep breathing, yoga, visualization, walking barefoot and or intentional walking are all great ways to reconnect with this important energetic point.
Also being in Nature, sitting on the ground and drumming and doing a Earth Star meditation are all excellent ways to reconnect with our Earth Star chakra.
Since, we all have a unique, one of a kind signature frequency, how we actual connect and communicate with the ESC is very unique to us. No two people connect in the same way, regardless if they are doing the same activity to connect.
Earth Star Activate
© Dr. Heyde Class
I have long felt that Sedona serves as the Earth Star chakra of the World, the records of the Living library stored here amongst the red rocks and unique mountain formations. ( Stones hold the record blueprints.)
Sedona is a metaphysical mecca of majestic mountains, and swirling vortex’s. Coupled with the abundance of dark brown and red color, it can be very grounding and stabilizing as long as you remain connected to the ES! Post/ picture©️ Dr. Heyde Class