The Astrological Events of Wave X

The Astrological Events of Wave X

We are all about to experience something grand, larger than life, life altering, amazing, and speculator and its called Wave X. Many folks have been writing about this wave of energy, speculating about it, saying this or that and I got the hit the other day to put in my two cents. This wave of new frequency will be like none other, we have experienced since ascending through the 12/21/12 gateway.

It may knock some folks on their bums, others may just cruise right through it no problem, while others may be sent into a tizzy and spend the entire time running round in a panic. Those folks who are out of alignment with their most authentic truth and life will feel the biggest shift! Hard to say exacetly what may occur, personally, I am just going to go surfing, riding the Wave X like a 5D pro..well thats my ideal, my intention... whether that happens or not, remains to be seen!

I can already feel the new wave of energy has begin. I can sense it in the small shifts and the irregular and distorted patterns that are surfacing in myself that are up for clearing, resolution and transmutation. However, the real fun begins, on Sept. 12th, 2015 with the Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 20 degree Virgo. Anyone who has natal planets, especially Sun Signs around 15-25* degrees in Virgo, Gemini, Sag and Pisces, may feel this astrological event rather acutely! You might sense an entire upheaval to the core of your being! So be sure to pace, nurture and ground yourself during this time.

So what can we expect during this event? We may be in an information overload, with so many comings and goings, we need to take very long breathers, just to keep up and sort it all out. Though this effect may be mostly until Sept. 23rd. We may find ourselves mulling over various matters or looking at the fine details of projects! We may decide to give up being critical of ourselves or others or we may finally realize that we can no longer work ourselves to death and be able to function anymore. We may finally see that we are worthy, lovable and magnificent, divine spiritual beings here on the planet having various expereinces!!

The next big event in September is the Autumn Equinox on Sept. 23rd, 2015 when the Sun enters into Libra. The Equinox energy can last for about 6 months, so best be prepared and go with the flow as much as possible. I am still cleaning up emotional issues from the last one in March! You may find yourself dealing with the issues/experiences centering around: judgement, fairness, integrity, balance, love and relationships.

Those of you who have late and early degree Sun signs, 25 degrees to 05 degrees, may feel this big shift of energy, especially those from 25* Virgo - 05 * Libra, 25* Pisces - 05* Aries, 25* Sag -05* Capricorn and 25* Gemini - 05* Cancer. Interestingly enough, Mercury goes retrograde in Libra on Sept. 18th - October 10th, which will make the above matters I mentioned even more prominent and acute! And the information overlaid at this point, may begin to SLOW down.

Next in the Wave X agenda is the Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on Sept. 27th, 2015 in Aries. Remember Mercury is STILL in retrograde motion during this astrological event! So what comes out into the open, may not be all “truth” per say, though I always says truth is subjective and depends on a persons viewpoint! As what is true for one, may not be for another.

Anyways, supposedly, this is when the Wave is going to reach its peak, tho I am more inclined to say it will be just a few days prior on the Equinox. We most likely will feel the effects of Lunar Eclipse till around mid November, 2015. This will hit a lot of folks in the emotional kisters.. seriously, just allow the old out of alignment emotions to come up to the surface for for clearing, resolution and transmutation and then say bye bye!

They have been all kinds of predictions about Wave X, such as: Full Disclosure meanings things like: It will come out into open, (in the media) that there really are Aliens, or the TV is really just mind control..( which many of us already know) Honestly, I am really not 100% clear on what to expect. I am not wanting to speculate, only to be prepared frankly. This is ALOT of big astrological events, occurring in very short period of time and that spells CHANGE! How to thrive in wave X, is covered in my next article , due out in the next few days! Happy surfing folks! Namaste!

©2015 - updated 2025. Dr. Heyde Class/A Celestial Solution


Getting Out OF Our Own Way - Thriving During Wave X


Practicing the Universal Law of Love