Practicing the Universal Law of Love

I have been practicing the Universe Law of Love for decades: "treats others the want you want to be treated."

I have witnessed plenty over my almost 6 decades of life. I have witnessed spiritual teachers and leaders of all kinds, treat others with total disregard, arrogance and disrespect. I have seen people shunning other people, just because they were different. I have witnessed hate and disrespect, towards other religions, races, creeds and genders. I have seen Corporations lie, manipulate and in the process, hurt destroy people, nature and life. ( Who knows if it’s intentional or not?) I have watched people treat animals like they are machines, and for profit. And honestly, it has not ever made any sense to me!

Ultimately, in my truth, everything that happens has a purpose, a rhythm, a reason, a path that leads us all to some kind of destination or outcome and once there, the cycle of enlightenment begins again. I view the karma wheel from a place of neutral, it’s an experience with an outcome.. cause and effect in other words.

I do my best to stay off the judgemental wagon, but sometimes I fall right off the wagon into my own pile of judgmental-ness. I for one, prefer to do my best every day and come from a place of loving kindness.

It does not mean I initially respond immediately with love and compassion, especially with those who choose to hurt our Mother Earth, Nature and animal friends. I may get upset or cry, but I always in the end, send blessings, forgiveness, love, compassion and acceptance to everyone involved,including myself.

I choose to look to Quan Yin, who in my mind is the most loving, compassionate, kind and accepting of us all, in these cases. She reminds me that I to can choose unconditional love instead of conditional love! 2015 - Updated 2023 © Dr. Heyde Class/ A Celestial Solution


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