Everyone Has Darkness
Divine Darkness
© Dr. Heyde Class
Everyone has darkness. Carrying this darkness is normal, as this is where the Divine feminine frequency resides. That which is seeded in the dark, grows by the power of the light!
Everyone has darkness. We are a unique blend of frequencies. We bring in light frequency, when we expand our frames of references and experiences. Information lights us up and helps us evolve. Not all light (information) is created equally however. Some is divine, other types are distorted.
Everyone has darkness. There are two sides of darkness, which are mostly experienced unconsciously. We have the distorted dark and the divine dark. Yoga, mindfulness and meditation helps us bring in divine light and shifts us into a more evolved state of being.
Everyone has darkness. When we embrace our darkness, we are rarely controlled by it! We work towards resolutions and solutions, instead of denial and blame. We set boundaries and take responsibility for our feelings and actions.
Everyone has darkness. When we refuse to acknowledge our darkness, we are the most fearful. That which we deny, can control us, creating a prison of our own making. We may be be disrespectful, closed down and or refuse to take responsibility for our actions.
Everyone has darkness. The winning hand is to love ourselves without conditions, stop judging who we are and what we don’t know yet and instead journey within, so we can face the fears, resolve our issues and records, and bring more light into ourselves, so we continue to evolve and grow!
We are ALL a mix of both dark and light frequencies. We choose our experiences everyday by how we respond to them and what we align with. We have the capacity to change and evolve our viewpoints.
By embracing who we are, and what we have experienced, we find the path to our most authentic self, expression and life. It requires our willingness, it requires work and it requires unconditional love and forgiveness! Be the love you are!
© 2023 Post/ Picture Dr. Heyde Class.. All Rights Reserved. This post is information purposes only.