Building The New Earth
We are building the foundations of the New Earth! We all assist in this process by what we choose to do, say, think, feel and believe. Our Collective foundation, serves as our Collective support system…. and our support system is built with a combo of both the old and the new frequencies.
However, some of the old frequencies will NOT work in the forming of our New Earth template! A foundation paved with good intentions, where the service to me, myself and I is the norm, (which is still prevalent and playing out at this point).....will eventually dissolve, because the “footings” ( the new frequency) won’t hold up the old, distorted agenda anymore! This is where we are right now…..the destructor of that agenda has arrived in a form of a virus, among other things....unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on the viewpoint!
What do I mean by service to self? Simply, that someone’s focus is mostly and or solely on what they have to gain from life, with no or little care on how this can effect others! We are seeing this agenda playing out in many areas of life..from food, to politics, to media etc…
The single biggest issue that we face, as a the unequal distribution of resources! It FUELS the service to self agenda, like no other issue. It effects every single person, except perhaps the top 10- 20% of the population, who have plenty and have little interest, it seems, in sharing with the rest of us. ( Yes, many folks are generous, and it’s often those who have little to spare. ) This creates a massive imbalance, that is felt and has been a part of, controlling our Society for eons of time. It’s one reason why the Starseeds are bring down this agenda and serve as a frame of reference.
The New Earth foundation and its core frequency is service to all, which includes is one of Unity and Oneness. It is understanding that we are all connected and that everything we do, affects everyone and everything else, in some fashion! If one person suffers, we all feel the pain energetically, even those who choose to ignore it!
It shows up in folks feeling anxious, overwhelmed, irritated and fearful! Anything, that is working against the NEW frequencies ( Service to All) will dissolve eventually. The longer folks cling to the old agenda, the more difficult it will become..not to mention, it prolongs the inevitable...change is a is reality. Change is how we evolve, grow and become more aware and conscious!
We are at the point in time, that the old ways of doing things will no longer fix it. The old serves more like a bad bandaid that only covers the wound now, but not to actually help heal it. Shifting our focus to we instead of me is absolutely imperative now.. We are ALL in this together...we all have many things in common, like needing food, shelter and clothing for a start. It’s time that everyone awakens to this, on some level.
Build A Bridge
Building New Earth © Dr. Heyde Class
Crises like these force us to step up and recognize where we may be falling short or be remiss. There is no need to judge ourselves for any failing on our parts to serve the All..this is the dark side of pride, which stops evolution in its tracks and pushes many folks into fearful loops of avoidance... no, now is the time to realize, recognize and reconsider, how we each might be contributing to the service to self agenda by our own actions and beliefs! Then we can change accordingly!
© 2020 Update 2023 Dr. Heyde Class